Sunday, June 24, 2007

June 24, 2007 HDR Thriller (looking up)

looking out, in HDR, originally uploaded by fervus. Click on pic see it in Flickr.

It took me a while, but I eventually figured this one out. Very neatly done. MUCH BETTER IN LARGE ON BLACK. There are some real lessons in this shot.


paisley said...

how did they catch the items that are suspended... the one, looks like a boulder.. there is no way they threw that thing and clicked????

Kim said...

very clever and very Escher- like....HD

HDReader said...
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HDReader said...

I think what you see up in the sky is actually down...flip the image in your mind and see the reflection.

Anonymous said...

Weird in a very cool way. I looked at it for about 10 minutes, and I'm still not quite sure of what's going on.

HDReader said...

Yes, its strange alright. I believe you'll find this is a half-filled pool or reservoir fipped upside down. The objects that appear to be thrown into the sky are actually in the reservoir (sticking up out of the water).

P.S. - I will not be able to post again til tonight.