Monday, June 11, 2007

June 11, 2007 HDR Thriller (faces)

Calf Creek Falls - Escalante, Utah, originally uploaded by Farol's Fotos. Click on pic, seee it in Flickr.

Very nice shot but also interesting because of the rock face, literally, on the extreme left just below the green algae/moss. The face, complete with gritted teeth, is seen more clearly IN LARGE ON BLACK.


Anonymous said...

Great pick, I'm really drawn to the water.

I wouldn't have seen the face unless you pointed it out, but that's a great visual.

Anonymous said...

That face is just plain spooky!

paisley said...

i saw the face right away... oh... how i love the things hidden in the pictures!!!!

Kim said...

absolutely thrilling.....that waterfall is so surreal !!!!

Ele ^_^ said...

Wow you select always great pictures! ^_^