Monday, April 9, 2007

April 9, 2007 HDR Chiller (dog)

photo-0001535_6_7-640, originally uploaded by spudart. Click on pic, see it in Flickr.

The note on the pic says, "When I first saw this dog I thought it was real, but it's a stuffed plush." How long did it take to notice that, I wonder. And here's another one that I almost picked because there is something a wee bit disturbing about a glamour shot for a dog. And I couldn't help but notice how the glamour dog could have been the very same dog as the one on top of the truck...oh, but it's a stuffed plush. I forgot.


Matt Maldre said...

thanks for including my pic on your blog! :-)

HDReader said...

Your Welcome Spudart. Visit anytime. I have looked at more of your pics and particularly like this one...